So I received an email today asking “Is there a DB Cooper party this year 2013???” from Ass Kicker William, and my quick response is “Oh Hells Yes!”
First things first – get the Straight Shit on the only unsolved skyjacking in US aviation history at “DB Cooper 101” on Tuesday, November 19th at 7:30pm at The Jack London Bar (inside the Rialto Poolroom). The Resident Historian will give you the who, what, where, when and how (maybe not the why…), and discuss some of the leading suspects in the case. In addition, we will watch a little film about 727s and some of the strange things they did over “Indochina” in the late 1960s, and maybe some other, as yet to be unnamed, film too! It will be a night for those who ask “Who is this DB Cooper guy?” to the self styled Cooper Sleuth, who knows most of the details by now (This is a pretty complicated case, Maude. You know, a lotta ins, lotta outs, lotta what-have-you’s.). AND we will have a Trivia Contest, with the winner receiving TWO tickets to the Washington State History Museum, which includes admission to their amazing COOPER exhibit! Hmmm… let’s see… “What drink special will the JLB run that night…???” So come on down and join us – you won’t want to miss this one!
Then, right after Thanksgiving, we head up to Tacoma to the annual DB Cooper Symposium, which will be held at the Washington State History Museum in Tacoma! The WSHM has details of the events right here, but I can break it down for you… On Friday, November 29th at 2:30pm Geoffrey Gray, author of Skyjack: The Hunt for DB Cooper will be signing books, and then talking about his research and conclusions. Afterward, we are heading to The Swiss Pub and Restaurant to shoot the shit about Cooper-y stuff.
Then on Saturday, November 30th, the actual DB Cooper Symposium starts, at the Museum, at 9am. The Resident Historian will be the Master of Ceremonies, and in addition to Geoffrey Gray, presentations will be offered on the history of the skyjacking and airline image evolution by Cooper exhibit co-curators Gwen Whiting and Fred Poyner IV, along with other Cooper folks. AND there will be a large break in the middle of the day so you will also get the chance to tour this astounding exhibit, which is the subject of our latest podcast. THIS will be the DB Cooper event of the year, and you will not want to miss it!
Then we will caravan off to Ariel, Washington for the annual Cooper Days Party. This is a really fun tradition (you can read about last year’s party here), and you will certainly want to join us for shitty beers in the cold-ass parking lot and partying like you were a fugitive from justice who just heisted 200,000 Gs.
PRINT up the comic panel.DRAW the rest of the story – What REALLY Happened on Flight 305???SCAN or TAKE A PHOTO of your finished comic.EMAIL it to dbcoopercomic@gmail.comDo all this by NOVEMBER 24th, 2013.
If you don’t get some DB Cooper in ya these next three weeks, you just aren’t trying!
We want to be sure to thank our sponsor, Forge Graphic Works for assisting with our DB Cooper events!
[…] Join Kick Ass Oregon History‘s Ribald Resident Historian Doug Kenck-Crispin on Tuesday, November 19, 2013 at the Jack London bar (basement of the Rialto, SW 4th and Alder) for D.B. Cooper 101. […]