Please join the Resident Historian, Doug Kenck-Crispin for this (potentially) enriching discussion of still undiscovered Oregon treasure hordes. On September 11th, 2022 at 11:00am, in faaaancy Cannon Beach!, DKC will present Beaver Tales and Treasure Trails, an examination of three major threads in this vein. The first will be a discussion of the Beeswax shipwreck legends, the latest deveoplments of the Santo Cristo de Burgos investigation, and the aged treasure yarns associated with this Nahalem wreck. Doug will then move onto the topic of Beaver Money (or Golden Beavers), and the currious currency created by Oregon, before she became a state, said to comprise a considerable collection of these concealed caches! And finally, he will reacquaint the audience with the Portland Treasure Chart; a map to a hidden Civil War gold horde buried in a grave in the city of Portland. Maybe. Author/Historian JB Fisher and DKC have been visitng a few cemetaries just “too miles fromrom Portland,” so there’s some new shit that has come to light to share with you!
Jones cemetery in SWPDX.
— Oregon History (@oregon_history) July 21, 2022
Additionally, the duo recently met with noted paper expert, John Henley at the Oregon Historical Society. He examined the Chart, and Doug will share his observations with you. This is original research; fresh data to add to the historical record, to help us all better understand this curious document. This is the first time this new information will be publicly shared, so you don’t want to miss this September presentation in Cannon Beach.
DKC will be handing out TWO REAL TREASURE MAPS, for you to take home, to start you on your early-retirement-at-the-beach journey! This is guaranteed to be the only history presentation you’ll attend this year that could make you filthy, stinking rich!
Oh… and did I mention that Beaver Tales and Treasure Trails is a tea benefit for the Cannon Beach History Center and Museum? What a lovely way to spend a Sunday morning! They have a ton of great events going on that weekend, including the Cottage & Garden Tour and an Opening Night Beneffit Bash on Friday. Check out all the details HERE. Tickets to the talk are $25.00.

And here’s a little written background on the Portland Treasure Chart, really the first mention of the document, from the Oregon Historical Quarterly in 1940.

Vol. 41, No. 1 (Mar., 1940), pp. 109
Filthy. Stinking. Rich.