A Great success for all involved. We want to send a huge thank you to Mississippi Studios. Also, we would like to thank Katy Barber, Matt Love, Ancient Portland, Jarad ...
On November 23, 2011 / By Andy LindbergIn which a we wonder what happened to that man named Dan who jumped out of the thing with that stuff. Featuring interviews with Galen Cook, author Geoffrey ...
On November 15, 2011 / By Andy LindbergIn which a man named Dan hands a girl a note, drinks a drink, grabs a bag, and jumps off a staircase. Like a boss. Featuring interviews with ...
On November 1, 2011 / By Andy LindbergThe geeked-out history folks that bring you Kick Ass Oregon History are proud to announce www.orhistory.com’s DB Cooper Nite! The event will be held at Mississippi Studios (3939N. ...
On October 19, 2011 / By Andy LindbergIn which we learn a brief history of angry Ursidae and hirsute humans in the City of Roses. Sponsored by The Eagle. ...
On October 13, 2011 / By Andy LindbergIn which we learn of the 1873 blaze in downtown PDX. The biggest fire in Portland history. Arson? To this day the answer is unknown. ...
On September 29, 2011 / By Andy LindbergIn which we learn of A Day Called X. In 1957 CBS showed a documentary by Canadian filmmaker Harry Rasky about Civil Defense in PDX. Narrated by actor ...
On September 13, 2011 / By Andy LindbergIn which we learn of Operation Green Light. In 1955 Portland’s ambitious Civil Defense program initiated “Operation Green Light” and tried to evacuate ALL of Portland’s Downtown to ...
On August 25, 2011 / By Andy LindbergIn which we learn the incredible tale of how Republican Oregon Governor Tom McCall averted violence and doom by holding a state-sponsored Hippie Rock Festival at McIver Park ...
On August 12, 2011 / By Andy LindbergIn which we learn that you should be afraid of the Po-po in PDX’s Chinatown. ...
On July 31, 2011 / By Andy Lindberg© 2018 orhistory.com LLC