On July 17, 2012 at 7:30pm at The Jack London Bar, Resident Historian Doug Kenck-Crispin will talk about Famous Oregon JailBreaks. And The Voice of Kick Ass Oregon History, your Ghost Host, Andy Lindberg, will also be in attendance. Admission is free!
We will be speaking about several famous JailBreaks, including Harry Tracy and Diane Downs. We will also talk about the 1968 Oregon State Penitentiary Riot, and conjugal visits at a Salem Motel 6 – that’s right Baby…
AND, as a Pro-tip in case YOU ever find yourself behind bars, we will be serving cake… with a file baked into it! Cause we at orhistory.com have your back! You know this!!
The podcast detailing these JailBreaks will be posted here at the beginning of July. You certainly won’t want to miss that!
Really, really hoping that your current condition does not find you in need of some busting out inspiration, but just in case you do, you might find it here. So get that bar of soap, carve it into the shape of a pistol, apply a liberal coat or three of black shoe polish and pray, pray, pray for some Oregon sunshine. And then get yer ass to The Jack London Bar on the 17th!
For the record: The fellow pictured, Franz Edmund Creffield, never conducted a JailBreak. I just liked his creepy image. He was incarcerated at the Oregon State Penitentiary for 15 months.
That right there is the Oregon State Hoosgow… Cause who the fuck wouldn’t want to bust out of there???