In which we learn that one sock and 500 sheep can grow into an empire. ...
On January 16, 2013 / By Andy LindbergIn which we learn even MORE about the murderer Danford Balch. Recorded live at the Jack London Bar. Featuring the banjo stylings of Kerry Hallet. ...
On January 3, 2013 / By Andy LindbergIn which we learn that Oregon Governor Tom McCall was a committed champion of prisoner’s rights, yet even he could not prevent riots and deadly escapes from Oregon’s ...
On November 17, 2012 / By Andy LindbergIn which we learn that being naked and shaking your money maker can mean whatever you want it to, according to the Oregon constitution. Join us on our ...
On October 1, 2012 / By Andy LindbergIn which we learn that Oregon has a history of treating the mentally ill as less than human, even in death. Featuring excerpts from “One Flew Over The ...
On September 5, 2012 / By Andy Lindberg© 2018 LLC